Binary Puzzle

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What is a binary puzzle?

A binary puzzle is played on a square grid, typically 6x6, 8x8, 10x10, or 12x12. Each cell can only contain a 0 or a 1.

Example of a 6x6 binary puzzle Example of a 6x6 binary puzzle using colors

The goal of the puzzle is to fill in all the cells correctly, following three simple yet challenging rules:

How to solve a Binary Puzzle? - The 3 rules of binary puzzles

Rule 1 - Maximum two 0s or 1s next to each other

You can never have more than two zeros or ones directly next to each other, horizontally or vertically. This means if you see two identical numbers next to each other, you automatically know the next cell must contain the other number.

For example:

  • Two zeros next to each other? Then the next cell must be a one.
  • Two ones above each other? Then the cell below must be a zero.
Binary puzzle rule 1

Rule 2 - Equal number of 0s and 1s

Every row and every column must contain an equal number of zeros and ones. For example, in a 10x10 puzzle, each row and each column must have exactly five zeros and five ones.

This rule is particularly useful when a row or column is nearly completed. If you've already reached the maximum number of ones, you automatically know that all remaining cells must be zeros (and vice versa).

Binary puzzle rule 2

Rule 3 - No identical rows or columns

Each row and column must be unique. No two identical rows or columns can appear in the puzzle. This rule can help you if you get stuck and no longer see a clear solution with the first two rules.

Example of a fully completed binary puzzle without colors Example of a fully completed binary puzzle using colors

Tips for Solving Binary Puzzles

Start with obvious moves

First, find logical places where numbers are clearly missing. Look for two zeros or two ones next to each other. These are simple moves that can quickly help you progress.

Regularly count the number of zeros and ones

While solving, keep track of how many zeros and ones you've already filled in each row and column. Once you've reached the maximum for a certain number, you'll immediately know what numbers belong in the remaining empty cells.

Use elimination

If you're stuck, try elimination. Imagine what would happen if you place a zero or one in a certain cell. Does it lead to three identical numbers in a row, uneven quantities, or identical rows or columns? Then that cell must contain the opposite number.

Check for identical rows and columns

If you're stuck near the end of the puzzle, recheck if any rows or columns have become identical. If two rows are almost identical, you can often quickly figure out which cells need adjustments to ensure uniqueness.

Using Colors in Online Puzzles

In our online binary puzzle, you can choose to automatically color the cells based on the filled-in number. This visual aid makes it easier to maintain an overview and quickly identify mistakes.

Example of a 12x12 binary puzzle Example of a 12x12 binary puzzle using colors

Prefer more of a challenge? Feel free to switch off the colors and solve the puzzle purely by logical reasoning.

Start with a 6x6 or 8x8 puzzle

It's best to start with a smaller 6x6 or 8x8 puzzle. If these are going well, you can try one of our bigger puzzles:

Good luck with your puzzles!